Ascension's claims clearinghouse has moved to SDS
In response to the national outage at Change Healthcare, Automated Benefit Services (ABS) has chosen to implement a new solution and is migrating to a new trade partner, Smart Data Solutions (SDS).
- To submit electronic claims, visit Portal.SmartDataStream.us
- You must register first by clicking "Register"
- For additional assistance, you can download the SDS portal manual here.
Clinician resources

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APC is an EPO. Find out what that means for your patients.

(IN, KS, TN) or shpnetworkdevelopment@seton.org
(TX) for details and requirements.
Contact information
• For clinician inquiries, please contact Ascension Care Management at acmproviders@ascension.org.
• For clinician inquiries in TX, please contact Seton Health Plan at SHPProviderservices@seton.org.
• For fee schedule inquiries, please contact Ascension Care Management at acmnetworks@ascension.org.