Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Provider Directory API
The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Provider Directory API is a RESTful API that conforms to FHIR standards. It can be used by applications to enable patients to easily access provider information. Using the FHIR Provider Directory API, queries can be sent to Plan-Net servers by Plan-Net requesters to access provider information based on the requestor’s local use case and other contextual requirements. In this API Specification, you will find a complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by Plan-Net servers. See the Ascension API Developer Portal Terms of Use policy then continue reading to learn more about the FHIR Provider Directory API.
**NOTE**: Applications (Plan-Net requestors) that implement the capabilities described in this specification and the Plan-Net FHIR CapabilityStatement should meet the CMS Final Rule requirement for provider directory access.
External Resources:
- See the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal page to learn more about the license.
- See the Plan-Net FHIR CapabilityStatement to learn about the expected capabilities of the Plan-Net server that is responsible for providing responses to queries submitted by Plan-Net requesters.
- See the following FHIR JSON and XML schemas for more information:
- Operation Outcome JSON Schema
- Operation Outcome XML Schema
- Capability Statement JSON
- Capability Statement XML
- Bundle JSON Schema
- Bundle XML Schema
- Healthcare Service JSON Schema
- Healthcare Service XML Schema
- Insurance Plan JSON Schema
- Insurance Plan XML Schema
- Location JSON Schema
- Location XML Schema
- Organization JSON Schema
- Organization XML Schema
- Organization Affiliation JSON Schema
- Organization Affiliation XML Schema
- Practitioner JSON Schema
- Practitioner XML Schema
- Practitioner Role JSON Schema
- Practitioner Role XML Schema
Name: HL7 Financial Management Working Group
Description: Development environment for the FHIR Provider Directory API
Description: Test environment for the FHIR Provider Directory API
Description: Production environment for the FHIR Provider Directory API
OAuth 2.0: Dy42bGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJhM2YwNjA5ZC1lZTIxLTQ1YjAtOGQyMi04MTQ0MTYxNjNhNTMiLCJzAJpdGUiLCJhcHByb3ZhbHMubWUiLCJvYXV0aC5hcHByb3ZhbHMiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiZWRnZWNsaSIsIm